The Heart Robber...

Stylish star Allu arjun's multistarrer film had crossed 100 days in the middle of september. The director of this film ,Krish had given a cool hit before Vedam ,named Gamyan in which the hero Allari Naresh character has been well portrayed in the movie. At the end of the movie Allari naresh dies..
After Krish's mega hit , he has given us a thunder hit in the form of Vedam featuring Allu arjun ,Anushka and Manoj manchu in the lead. Death was also a coincidence in the movie.At the end of the movie Allu ajun and manoj manchu lost their life while saving the life's of hundred who were struggling in the hospital attack by a terrorist.
The film had been dubbed in Malayalam as Khilladi which had entered theatre in 22 September is now getting some positive reviews. The film posters was looking just like a masala movie and in the newspaper ads there were written as "Never seen Climax". As the movie was getting some mixed reviews before two days , the climax scene has helped the movie to do well theatres. As in many movies , the death of the hero causes a bad effect to see the movie again and again ,but in the case of Allu arjun , the movie became a Titanium hit with his mindblowing perfomance and his death in the movie had made the theatres silence and have robbed the hearts of the audience.
The director Krish had directed this film magnificiantly and may consider that the different climax in the movie will be a key for allu arjun's stand in malayalam cinema.
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